Refresh Method


Updates the objects in a collection to reflect objects available from, and specific to, the provider.




The Refresh method accomplishes different tasks depending on the collection from which you call it.


Using the Refresh method on a Command object's Parameters collection retrieves provider-side parameter information for the stored procedure or parameterized query specified in the Command object. The collection will be empty for providers that do not support stored procedure calls or parameterized queries.

You should set the ActiveConnection property of the Command object to a valid Connection object, the CommandText property to a valid command, and the CommandType property to adCmdStoredProc before calling the Refresh method.

If you access the Parameters collection before calling the Refresh method, ADO will automatically call the method and populate the collection for you.

Note   If you use the Refresh method to obtain parameter information from the provider and it returns one or more variable-length data type Parameter objects, ADO may allocate memory for the parameters based on their maximum potential size, which will cause an error during execution. You should explicitly set the Size property for these parameters before calling the Execute method to prevent errors.


Using the Refresh method on the Fields collection has no visible effect. To retrieve changes from the underlying database structure, you must use either the Requery method or, if the Recordset object does not support bookmarks, the MoveFirst method.


Using the Refresh method on a Properties collection of some objects populates the collection with the dynamic properties that the provider exposes. These properties provide information about functionality specific to the provider, beyond the built-in properties ADO supports.